Little Signs

Ringwood Sunset - Click to see the full size imageOn a day where there has been rather less than usual to get excited about, the end of the day brought a beautiful surprise. A gorgeous sunset, across the watery floodplain, gave us all a little boost as we packed up and headed for home.

The other little sign, although the weather has certainly taken a turn towards the chilly end of the thermometer, was that there was definite daylight peeking over the line of trees as I made my way to my car tonight.

Just knowing that the days are getting longer puts a smile on my face. The promise, though it certainly doesn’t include any written money-back guarantees, that the warmer, drier weather is on its way, is enough to put a spring in anyone’s step.

As with any progression towards a better situation, the little steps are almost too small to measure. But when you add them all up, take a look back from the position you now hold, the delight in the progress is palpable.

And the photo is just another drop of joy for my friend MidniteRainbow.